Why You Need An Elevator Repair Company

Elevator companies perform many tasks such as installation, modernization and service of elevators. Managing the elevator inspection is one of the most important reasons to contract a qualified elevator repair company.
Elevator Inspections Mandated by Law
Elevator Inspections are mandated by law in most jurisdictions in the United States. Laws may differ by state, or based on local and municipal ordinances. New elevator equipment cannot usually be used following installation until it is first inspected and certified by the governing jurisdiction. Some states, such as New Hampshire, require any privately owned elevator to be inspected by a licensed elevator technician working for an elevator repair company. Other states, such as Massachusetts, require annual inspections with a Massachusetts Department of Public Safety Inspector and an elevator repair company.
And states like Maine require a 3rd party elevator inspector independent of the state and the elevator repair company. In many states these inspections are required annually. However, some countries, like Canada, have more strict guidelines than the U.S. and require inspections on a monthly basis.
Inspection Violations
Typically, If violations are found during the inspection, the elevator owner has 30 days to make the necessary changes to bring it to compliance. In some cases, the elevator cannot be used during this period. Hiring an elevator repair company to perform maintenance between inspections can help prevent unnecessary violations.
Elevator owners who fail to have their elevator in accordance with the regulations of their state can be subject to severe fines and penalties. For instance, Massachusetts has enacted a new regulation authorizing a $1,000 per day fine for elevators with an expired inspection certificate.
Elevator Safety
As the owner of a property, the safety of the general public should come first and foremost. Although elevator owners are required to follow local inspection regulations, government mandated inspections do not take the place of a proper maintenance plan. A properly maintained and inspected elevator will break down less and cause less unexpected operational problems that would inconvenience tenants and residents. Liability issues can also result from equipment that is not well maintained.
A building owner puts him or her self at a tremendous legal risk by failing to comply with all relevant elevator regulations. Most elevator repair companies offer maintenance solutions to ensure that your elevator is properly maintained and inspected in accordance with the applicable laws. Contracting an elevator repair company to regularly maintain all elevator equipment is the easiest way to keep people safe, obey the law, and limit liability.